Fullstack Engineer. Web Dev.
Drawit - excellidraw clone
Drawit - excellidraw clone

“draw-it-orcin.vercel.app” is a presentation app clone of Excellidraw, built by Rahul Rajput using Next.js and Tailwind CSS. User-friendly and high-performance.

Tailwind CSS

Personal Portfolio
Personal Portfolio

"rahul.eu.org" is Rahul Rajput's portfolio, showcasing his full-stack web development skills, experience, and projects using cutting-edge technologies.


Srcimage - postimages alternative built with nextjs
Srcimage - postimages alternative built with nextjs

Developed ‘srcimg.vercel.app’ using Next.js 14, MongoDB, Shadcn UI, and Tailwind CSS. Handled frontend, backend, database management, UI design, and deployment.

Backend Engineer
Fullstack Engineer
Web Developer