The all-in-one
platform for hiring

The all-in-one
platform for hiring

The all-in-one
platform for hiring

Everything you need to find and manage flexible talent.

Everything you need to find and manage flexible talent.

Everything you need to find and manage flexible talent.

Top companies hire on Contra

Top companies hire on Contra

Top companies hire on Contra

How to get started

Post your


Post a job and connect with verified, high-quality freelancers.

Post a job and connect with verified, high-quality freelancers.

Post a job and connect with verified, high-quality freelancers.

Get matched with

top freelancers

Share your budget and goals to have our team shortlist freelancers for you, for free!

Share your budget and goals to have our team shortlist freelancers for you, for free!

Share your budget and goals to have our team shortlist freelancers for you, for free!

Manage projects

with ease, worldwide

Use Contra’s built-in contracts to streamline your onboarding, invoicing, and payroll for your global workforce.

Use Contra’s built-in contracts to streamline your onboarding, invoicing, and payroll for your global workforce.

Use Contra’s built-in contracts to streamline your onboarding, invoicing, and payroll for your global workforce.

Hire the best talent

Discover vetted talent that you can count on.

Scale your business

Grow with access to a dream team of freelancers.

Save time & money

Let our team help you through the hiring process.



for Teams

Empower your team to do more with less with Contra for Teams

Start hiring

Start hiring

top freelancers

top freelancers

Frequently asked

What makes Contra different?

Contra is a new type of professional network. On Contra, independent professionals, clients and companies connect to get projects done, 100% commission-free.

What kind of freelancers can I find on Contra?

You can find freelancers in product, design, engineering, marketing, writing, or everything in between. After you complete your profile checklist, you’ll be able to browse our highest rated Independents at!

How do I sign-up for Contra for Teams?

Contra for Teams will be available through a waitlisted beta program. Join the waitlist and we will notify you when the beta is ready.

How do I hire on Contra?

There’s three ways to hire a freelance designer through Contra:
Post an opportunity on Contra that includes a detailed job description, timeline, and rate. If you know exactly what you’re looking for and you need a freelance designer for a specific type of project, posting an opportunity is the best way to collect applications from qualified freelance designers. Click the “Hire an Independent” button to write a job description, select a few desired skills, and set your timeline and budget.

Find a freelance designer on Contra’s Discover Page. Many freelance designers use Contra to show off their past work, services, and pricing. You can find a freelance designer to work with easily. Just tap the “Get in Touch” button to send freelance designers you’re interested in working with an inquiry.

Send a proposal to a freelance designer you’re already working with. Hit “Create proposal,” add information about payment, deliverables, scope of work, and the required timeline. Then kickstart your project through Contra with a built-in contract and project management system.

What do freelancers on Contra typically charge?

Freelancers set their own rates and you can browse by filtering with your own budget and/or posting a job with your budget.

Frequently asked

What makes Contra different?

Contra is a new type of professional network. On Contra, independent professionals, clients and companies connect to get projects done, 100% commission-free.

What kind of freelancers can I find on Contra?

You can find freelancers in product, design, engineering, marketing, writing, or everything in between. After you complete your profile checklist, you’ll be able to browse our highest rated Independents at!

How do I sign-up for Contra for Teams?

Contra for Teams will be available through a waitlisted beta program. Join the waitlist and we will notify you when the beta is ready.

How do I hire on Contra?

There’s three ways to hire a freelance designer through Contra:
Post an opportunity on Contra that includes a detailed job description, timeline, and rate. If you know exactly what you’re looking for and you need a freelance designer for a specific type of project, posting an opportunity is the best way to collect applications from qualified freelance designers. Click the “Hire an Independent” button to write a job description, select a few desired skills, and set your timeline and budget.

Find a freelance designer on Contra’s Discover Page. Many freelance designers use Contra to show off their past work, services, and pricing. You can find a freelance designer to work with easily. Just tap the “Get in Touch” button to send freelance designers you’re interested in working with an inquiry.

Send a proposal to a freelance designer you’re already working with. Hit “Create proposal,” add information about payment, deliverables, scope of work, and the required timeline. Then kickstart your project through Contra with a built-in contract and project management system.

What do freelancers on Contra typically charge?

Freelancers set their own rates and you can browse by filtering with your own budget and/or posting a job with your budget.

Frequently asked

What makes Contra different?

Contra is a new type of professional network. On Contra, independent professionals, clients and companies connect to get projects done, 100% commission-free.

What kind of freelancers can I find on Contra?

You can find freelancers in product, design, engineering, marketing, writing, or everything in between. After you complete your profile checklist, you’ll be able to browse our highest rated Independents at!

How do I sign-up for Contra for Teams?

Contra for Teams will be available through a waitlisted beta program. Join the waitlist and we will notify you when the beta is ready.

How do I hire on Contra?

There’s three ways to hire a freelance designer through Contra:
Post an opportunity on Contra that includes a detailed job description, timeline, and rate. If you know exactly what you’re looking for and you need a freelance designer for a specific type of project, posting an opportunity is the best way to collect applications from qualified freelance designers. Click the “Hire an Independent” button to write a job description, select a few desired skills, and set your timeline and budget.

Find a freelance designer on Contra’s Discover Page. Many freelance designers use Contra to show off their past work, services, and pricing. You can find a freelance designer to work with easily. Just tap the “Get in Touch” button to send freelance designers you’re interested in working with an inquiry.

Send a proposal to a freelance designer you’re already working with. Hit “Create proposal,” add information about payment, deliverables, scope of work, and the required timeline. Then kickstart your project through Contra with a built-in contract and project management system.

What do freelancers on Contra typically charge?

Freelancers set their own rates and you can browse by filtering with your own budget and/or posting a job with your budget.

How to get started on

Contra for clients

With Contra, you can discover and hire top-notch talent, manage payments, contracts, and projects, and work the way you want.

Guide to discover

This guide will provide the steps to finding your perfect match on Contra using our Discover tool.

How to hire on Contra

There are three ways to hire on Contra — we’ll go through all three of these in this article and when to use each one!

Connect with top independents

Learn how Contra helps clients find the perfect independent for their project needs.

Post a top-tier opportunity

If you need an independent for your next opportunity, you're in the right place. Learn about how you can find your next collaborator.

Learn more on how to get started